Hi there, friend! Welcome to the NEW, shiny and beautiful site and blog! I’m really glad you are here!
So it’s been a while. I created my previous custom site in 2011 and loved it and then didn’t touch it.
For years…
10 years…
It was time but I didn’t know exactly what direction I wanted to go in – which if you are a creative you will understand that feeling can be crippling. Once it all started clicking then it was GO time. Everything just started to flow and make sense and it was fabulous. Then the panic started to set in – because – well I am a creative. Does it look ok? Is it cool enough – does it scream ME? It’s not an easy task to brand yourself. NOT EASY!
But here we are… it’s live and I can’t help but feel really excited about having a brand new look and feel that I put together myself {with the help from my friends at Showit} but also – anxiety… I hope it feels as nice and shiny to you as it does to me! I would love to know what you think – if something isn’t working for you or ways I could make it even better!
Now for the good stuff – what have I been up to? It’s been a bit quiet, huh?
Fabulous Occasions was born 16 years ago. SIXTEEN! It truly has been my child and if you have been around then you saw it in its’ innocent infancy, wild toddler years, school aged wonder, that awkward middle school time and now here we can see it as a teen – braces off, ready to take on the world!
Ok maybe not so ready – but TAKING IT ON nonetheless!
I have still been clicking the camera, just not as often. Our kids have grown up alongside my business, which has been both incredible and challenging. Many a night I nursed babies while editing a session, or multitasked returning emails while watching dance, swim, football, lacrosse… For so many years my weekends were spent shooting and holiday season was not spent baking and wrapping and decorating, but rather shooting and editing and then repeat – and trying to fit allll those other things {AND SLEEP} in when I could.
It was a double edged sword. So Jeremy and I decided it was time to scale back and man what a good decision that was. I missed seeing everyone, and it’s always hard to turn down opportunities, but goodness I wouldn’t trade the time I got back with my family for anything!
We have found a great balance. One that has allowed me to still have my creative outlet without compromising time with our family and it is absolutely – dare I say – fabulous!
So yes, I am still taking appointments, but they are very limited. My advice to you is if you want to get on my books to get in touch with me with time to spare. What else is up? Well I have decided to share a lot MOORE of our life – behind the scenes stuff – things that we have done for years that I know would be helpful and fun for other families out there.
Whether it’s holidays, healthy recipes, NOT healthy recipes, styling ideas, travel, crafty fabulousness and OF COURSE all things photography related – that’s an idea of what you will find around here {basically Moore life}. And let’s be honest – we’ve had this parenting gig for over 21 years now! WE ARE LEGAL!!! {so we may know a little bit about it, and yet like every 21 year old still have a WHOLE lot to learn!}
If that sounds like something fun to you, then WELCOME to our little carved out space on this vast internet. If you think others would enjoy it, I would be so grateful for you to share me with them and please come back often. If you are on instagram I would love for you to find me! Just look up @fabulousoccasions and like magic there I will be.
And if none of that sounds like fun to you… then, well, it’s great that the internet is as VAST as it is. ROOM FOR EVERYONE!! I hope you find what you are looking for 🙂
So, my friends, welcome to our

I am REALLY excited to have you here!

I love this
You have always Amazed me and I admire you and the love your family has for each other
You inspire me to be fabulous
Thank u
I have been meaning to ask you for months to do grad shots of my girls. Now I am more excited!
I love all of this! Can’t wait to follow along and watch your creativity inspire the masses. Love you my friend! xoxo
I love this! Excited to follow along and watch your creativity inspire the masses. Love you my friend! xoxo