Not being arrogant at all but I am good at quite a bit. I think about writing on here often, but alas, nothing. Part of me wonders if anyone will even read it – I know there are a good handful of my people that will for certain – and I love them for it – (we love a supportive group!) but I could just shoot them a text and that would suffice.
I love this format, however.
It still pains me that my old blog is just, well, in some internet gravesite lost for eternity. So many posts that acted as a journal of sorts – whether for my business or personal life.
I would love to tell you that I am so committed and this could be a regular occurrence (for my people who want to read my thoughts and stories) but let’s just go back to that title of this post and be realistic humans, shall we? AND then if it happens – SURPRISE!!!
First of all, this has been a very busy year and I wish I could say it was just oh so fabulous, and I will be able to tell you about SO MUCH that was the absolute MOST fabulous and magical, but then I can also tell you that this was one of the worst years I have ever experienced.
My dad died in April.
There is nothing, and I am not exaggerating when I use that word, NOTHING will prepare you to lose your parent. He was young, we thought healthy, and incredibly involved with our lives. I am not making this first post back about my dad, but it only makes sense to acknowledge it. I plan on revisiting this and I have words I think important to share, but for now…
The holidays are upon us and I am nervous about how I will feel through it all. He was a huge part of our holidays and there will now be a massive void. Because of that I had considered pulling back considerably with work, but after much consideration I believe that would actually be the opposite of what I should be doing.
My parents gave me my first SLR camera when I was 10. It was a Pentax and I wish I still had it. My dad LOVED photography and the fact that I chose to do this always made him so proud. With that in mind, let’s get to work.
I am publishing my mini session dates for this fall. Going to go back to different spots everyone has loved throughout the years. I also have something new up my sleeves that I will be debuting this Christmas season. It has been brewing for a while now and I am ready to get it going. It’s officially year EIGHTEEN of Fabulous Occasions and time to shake things up a bit. Stay tuned for an official announcement but that weekend of December 9th and 10th you will want to bring those kiddos to me I will predict!
As always, if this year doesn’t work out for us to see each other I will look forward to when it does happen! And if these dates don’t jive with your holiday schedule, shoot me a text and we can see if there is another spot available.
For now, here are all the details and some fabulous 2022 minis shots 🙂

Peace, Love and Fabulous,

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